Garrett Johnson is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Boston University, Questrom School of Business. Prof. Johnson’s research on Internet Marketing examines online display advertising: the medium’s effectiveness and privacy issues. His ad effectiveness research uses large-scale experiments to measure how and how much ads work. His privacy research quantifies the value of online behavioral targeting to industry and considers the impact of policy & self-regulatory approaches. Prof. Johnson works with Internet companies—including Google and Yahoo!—to answer these questions with Internet-scale data. For his work, Prof. Johnson has been awarded the Paul Green Award and has been a finalist for both the John D.C. Little Award and the Gary Lilien Marketing Science Practice Prize.
Research Papers:
Samuel Goldberg, Garrett Johnson & Scott Shriver, Regulating Privacy Online: An Economic Evaluation of the GDPR (Law & Economics Center at George Mason University Scalia Law School Research Paper Series No. 22-025, 2022).
Samuel Goldberg, Garrett Johnson & Scott Shriver, Privacy & Market Concentration: Intended & Unintended Consequences of the GDPR (September 21, 2022).